Capital Campaign

The NEXT CHAPTER Capital Campaign will raise $10 million from now through December 2026 to fund three core areas that are not covered by the 2020 voter-approved bond funds.

Early Learning LEED Public Art Endowment

To reduce stress on the envitonment, both the new Redmond Library and the Central Library at Stevens Ranch Library will achieve LEED certifications. This will ensure that buildings are energy and resource-efficient, generating less waste and lowering the use of electricity, gas, water, and other precious resources.

We are raising $1.5 million to pay for engineering and design that will ensure reduced emissions associated with construction and operation of the new buildings. Strategies include solar panels, strategic window placement and shading, efficient landscape design, day-lit spaces with natural ventilation, and more.

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Libraries are a springboard for children to develop a lifelong love of reading and to develop skills that help them thrive and prosper into adulthood. With this in mind, the discovery areas in each library are designed to prompt exploratory and play-based learning through interactive environments and innovative displays.

We are raising $5 million to cover the costs of the customized design and creation of these innovative discovery and learning spaces within all community libraries.

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The capital campaign will help support art in all new and recently remodeled libraries in the Deschutes County. Not only will carefully-selected art reflect the Central Oregon community, but it will also promote artistic literacy by offering a free opportunity for everyone to view, appreciate, and interact with visual art.

In order to purchase art beyond the 1% allocation in construction funds, we are seeking $1 million to help curate a diverse and provocative collection that reflects important community themes, such as ecology, justice, equity, and healing.

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The Deschutes Public Library Foundation Endowment Fund is a long-term investment that will pave the way for future generations of our community.

By raising $2.5 million, the Deschutes Public Library Foundation aims to ensure sustainability of vital services and resources for many decades to come.

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